She woke up screaming again at 4:45, and when I took her back to bed and asked what was the matter, she exclaimed with a look of pure terror, "BEES!" --which instantly sent a chill down my spine. I asked, "Where?!" and she pointed to the side of her bed, but even in my semi-unconscious state, I quickly assessed that there were no real bees, and that she had had a very bad nightmare. I told her, "they're not real. They weren't real. You had a bad dream, but go back to sleep, and you will have good dreams." Turned on the stars, turned on her Violet. That seemed to settle that, and she went back to sleep. She even slept late--till 8:15!
But, bless her heart, I feel like I finally realize why we've had trouble every so often with her waking up crying without (seemingly) a reason. She could never express why she was crying, what the matter was, or why she came to our room. Maybe she never could recall what was in her nightmare, but I'm convinced now that this is why she has had some bad nights.
This morning when she got up, she still remembered the bad dream, and was telling me that "there were bees everywhere"--and there were bees in her mouth. :( I about cried. She was so terrified. I feel for her, because I remember--maybe due to my wild imagination as a kid?--I had really bad, vivid nightmares when I was young. I don't know if they happened this early, but I had bad dreams that I still remember to this day. Coincidentally, I didn't even mind when she woke up again at 4:45 this morning, because it actually woke me out of a nightmare of my own--a reoccurring one that freaks me out every time. (something with red lights? But I don't remember the details when I wake up) Though, I will say, I've never had such vivid dreams and nightmares as I did while I was pregnant! The good ones were really good, but the bad ones were truly awful.
Anyway, it brought up the opportunity to talk about bees, and the more we talked about it, the more she was able to sort of laugh over the whole thing. The nightmare was quickly forgotten about, and we had a really nice day. :) Hopefully she won't have any nightmares for the next few nights, as I'll be on my own while Ryan is out of town. I always pray that the kids take it easy on me whenever he is gone, because there are no breaks when you're on your own. :) On the upside, I do look forward to doing some reading, and having the remote all to myself! Those are really the only upsides, though, as I really don't like being by myself, and freak out very easily. :) Gotta get over that eventually, I guess.
And... with that, I'll leave you with a few new pictures. :)