We followed "the Easter Bunny" (I use that term very loosely) through a tunnel, and out into a big field to find the eggs. I actually told Brooke, "that's not the REAL Easter Bunny, just someone pretending to be the Easter Bunny, since it's not Easter yet." Seriously, the costume was so bad that I couldn't even tell my 3 year-old that it was the REAL bunny. I mean, if that was the real bunny, I wouldn't be very excited if I were 3! Anyway, she didn't seem bothered, and was so excited to hunt for some eggs. :)
(For what it's worth, yes, just like Santa Claus, we talk to the kids about the Easter Bunny. Even though the Easter bunny isn't the REASON for Easter, we include it. Kids have such wild imaginations, and I think it just adds to the excitement of a holiday. If they're taught the real reason for Easter (and Christmas, for that matter) then I don't see the harm in it. That's just our own personal opinion. I know not everyone agrees with it, and that's fine.)
I'm SO thankful that they had the egg hunt scheduled for Sunday afternoon rather than Saturday. It was so cold, rainy, and dreary on Saturday, but absolutely BEAUTIFUL yesterday! It was the perfect day to be outside. As soon as we got home, we changed and took the kids out for a long walk, then let them run around in the backyard before finally having to come inside for dinner. I love this time of year. (but I don't love that I had to kill my first spider of the season--a little black one with pinchers! Gross. Spoke too soon in my last blog post, I guess.)
Anyway, pictures! :) We only took video while we were there, so I just pulled pictures out of the video that Ryan took.

Kids & I ~ Yes, they're not looking. The fact that they sat still for the picture makes it a Win! for me.

Hope you all had a great weekend! :)
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