Thursday, April 7, 2011

Galore ~

You know your son has possibly committed a few too many wrong doings against his sister when... Ryan asks him to "go tell Mommy you're sorry," and he makes a bee line for his sister, hugs her, and says, "sorry." (But goodness, does it do my heart good to hear my little man in training say he's sorry! He's already a step ahead of the game.)

If you're not a friend of mine on Facebook, then you've missed quite a few pictures in the past 6 months.

First, there was Pierson's Fall Fox birthday party...

Then Halloween...

Then Thanksgiving..

Then Christmas...


Valentine's Day..

(My very first Tiffany necklace!)

And lastly, Easter pictures of the kids.

Whew. I promise that this will be the longest post you see from me! Well, now that we're all caught up.. bye for now. ;-)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I kinda left xanga, too.
The kids are so big!!!
Look forward to hearing more, have a great night!!!
~ambs_ls from xanga