It's only 8:11, but I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit already this morning. My Mom watches that Dr. Oz TV show, and she was telling us recently that "Dr. Oz says it's ideal to wake up at 6:30 every morning, and work out at 6:35." I laughed, and said that it may be "ideal" for some people, but not for me. There are morning people, and there's the rest of us. I'm just too sluggish to wake up and immediately go work out. Ryan countered that if you were to try it, and stick to it, it would become habit. Being the stubborn individual that I am, I told him that I will try it every day for a full week, and see if 1) it actually makes me feel better, 2) it gets easier with time/becomes enough of a habit (enough that I'd consider doing it permanently) and 3) it makes me lose any weight. (because we all know, with me, if it makes me lose weight, I WILL stick to it)
So, I finished Day 1. I'm usually up no later than 7 every morning to get Ryan out the door with his coffee and breakfast, but it's been a long, long time since I've worked out in the morning. I won't lie, I hated the first ten minutes. Getting to 20 minutes wasn't any easier, and by 30 minutes, I was just thankful that the torture was over. (I did run yesterday afternoon, so 30 minutes of cardio will suffice for day 1!) It was difficult for me to have to be THAT awake THAT early in the morning. I have to say, though, it was pretty cool to look at the clock, and realize that it was only 7:05 and I was already done with my workout for the day! (I will still do some weights and ab work later) Showered, made Ryan's coffee and breakfast and got him out the door, all well before 8:00. We'll see how Day 2 goes.
Speaking of being healthier, I weighed myself yesterday for the first time in (I believe) 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks, I ditched the South Beach diet (to some extent) and instead focused on eating tons of fruits, (which are limited in SB) veggies, mostly lean meat, and little bit of whole grains, and eating smaller amounts more often, rather than 3 full meals. I've felt better, and had more energy, but I couldn't really tell if I'd actually lost anything. Apparently, I've lost 4 lbs! Hurray! Which means I'm a mere 3 lbs away from the weight I was before I got pregnant with Pierson. (though, when Ryan asked, "so, how many lbs is that away from what you weighed with Brooke?" I answered, "umm.. no comment. Lets just say, I still want to lose a bit more.")
Now that I've rambled on way too much about working out and diet....
Today is exactly one month away from Brooke's
4th birthday! We don't talk with her about it very much, because one month is still an
eternity to a 3 year-old, but I'm getting excited about it. She changed her mind on the butterfly party idea, (dang it!) and still wants her (original idea) Finding Nemo party, which I've got a lot of ideas for, but haven't actually purchased anything yet. The Nemo cake should be interesting! We did decide we're going to hold off on the "first pet" idea, though. Maybe next year.
Pierson is still continuing to amaze me. He's been learning his colors, which I figured was probably too early and would confuse him, but he always surprises me. He is pretty consistent with blue, yellow, and orange, but he also knows purple, green, red, pink, and gray. (which he calls "grape!" I LOVE that!) Sometimes if I ask him what color something is, he won't even
look at it, but instead will run down his list of colors, laughing at every wrong answer until he gets it right. Silly. :)
Recently, he has borrowed a phrase that Brooke uses when she's proud of herself for doing something. She will very triumphantly, say, "Ta da! Thank you, thank you!" (complete with a bow, sometimes 2 :)) She has a
slight flair for the dramatic. :) We call her our little actress. Now Pierson is saying it all the time, and it's adorable. I've got some very proud kids, apparently. He even taught his little friend, Nicky, to say, "ta da!"
His 2nd birthday is now just a little over two months away, and I've already got his birthday present! I saved up all of my Amazon gift cards that I got from Swagbucks, and used them to buy him something he's going to LOVE. I feel like such a kid when it comes to giving my kids gifts, because keeping it a surprise KILLS me! I can't wait for him to see it. :) I was leaning towards doing a Cars party for him, but I haven't made up my mind yet. He likes all kinds of things, and his favorite actually seems to be trucks right now. (Chuck & Friends as well as firetrucks) I'll just have to see what's out there. :) I really,
really enjoy doing their parties... it's a sickness, really.
Hope you all have a great Monday!