I love days like this. Days when I'm go-go-go all day until well after the kids are in bed, and I finally am able to sit down now at nearly 9:30. :) It feels good to sit down. Between 4 loads of laundry, cleaning, working out for over an hour during the kids' nap time, (while watching Family Man with Nicolas Cage--love that movie) showering, taking the kids on a long stroller walk, then to the playground, home to make dinner, play time, bedtime, then kitchen clean-up.. well, I know I will sleep well tonight. :) That verse in Ecclesiastes is so true, "the sleep of a laboring man is sweet."
Speaking of sleep: Have I mentioned that the kids now go down for naps at the same time? It has made life immensely easier! Even though Pierson sleeps less during 1 nap than he did during 2, I still had Brooke to look after then till it was her nap time, which was right around when Pierson would wake up, and then I'd have to entertain a very BORED Pierson who would much rather play with his sister, and then he'd go back down right before Brooke would normally get up. (and she would actually sleep less often than she wouldn't, because she could hear us downstairs playing) Now they BOTH go down at the same time, they BOTH sleep, and I can use that time more efficiently. It's awesome.
Tonight was our first dinner at the table with TWO booster seats! Pierson has officially bid Au Revoir to his highchair, and is sitting at the table like the rest of us. :) I think he ate better (less playing with his food, more intentional eating) and seemed to enjoy it, while I thought it was also easier to supervise meal time with him right next to me. Sitting there looking at him from across the table, though, Ryan said, "he looks so.. grown-up." I nodded. We no longer have a child in a high chair. They're getting too old!
Speaking of getting too old... my 28th birthday is a mere 4 days away. (and, according to our bank account, I AM getting my K-Swiss shoes! Yay!) We're celebrating with my family on Saturday, in conjunction with my sis-in-law Joanie's birthday--we share the same birthday. :) Just a low key, pizza and ice cream cake kind of family party. My parents are leaving the next day bound for Tennessee, so my requested angel icing cake will have to wait. :) Sunday is, of course, Mother's Day, and this year we will be spending it with my Mother-in-law. :) We're driving down first thing Sunday morning, staying for the day, and heading back in the evening. I'm really looking forward to that, because it's been so long since we've seen them.
Monday is my actual birthday, and I'm honestly not sure what we're doing. Obviously Ryan has to work, (this whole "being adults" thing is for the birds) so we'll just need to figure out some evening plans. We had initially planned on dinner and a movie, but 1) I'm not sure if we'd have anyone to watch the kids, (our friends offered, but I'm not sure how that would work with bedtimes, since they have a son who is Pierson's age) and 2) movie tickets, I discovered, are $11 a person (!!) and I don't know if I can do that, just out of principle! Realistically, we could wait until it's available on RedBox, rent it for a night, and, if I like it, I could buy it, and STILL we'd pay less than one night at the movie theater. (not including any drinks or store-bought snacks. (Oh, yes, we are those people who bring our own treats)) I'm really wanting to see this movie, but.. eh. It's been so long since I've been to see a movie in a theater, and I'm remembering why.
I'm exhausted. Time to unwind for a little while and then call it an evening. Goodnight!
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